Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Miriam is going inside.

hello faithful readers, friends, paid fans...

fictional Miriam and her dragonflies are offline now; they've flown away.

i'm in the process of seriously considering continuing this little story and maybe prostitute it out to a publisher one day and on the advice of good friends & actually published writers and my inner voice, i need to protect my intellectual property and take her off the grid.

she is in excellent hands.

thank you for your interest and your support.

Grass Oil will continue with programming already in progress. back to life in suburbia.

see you soon.

thank you.


  1. Good. Now, when I first took the fictional excerpts down, I felt a little sad, as if I would be all alone while writing. But I am not. Nor will you be. Princess fist bumps to you and to Miriam. And please tell her she is always to come over for a visit.

    1. El! yes. i am sad a bit; i feel like i'm putting a good friend on a bus to ... like Santa Fe for rehab or something. but i know she's here and Mitch still needs to go on his trip and she still has the day alone with Joey and she has to go back and tell Gardener why she's there, so there are definitely plans to move forward and as we both know, she just takes me along for the ride. having her offline will really allow me to let it rip too.

      and i agree - i do feel as though she and i are alone, but i know we're not. on the one hand, i'm going to miss the self-imposed frequency of the installments, but on the other hand, i held back a lot as well on the frequency because i really wanted to write more but not expose too much; she and i will come to see you and Cass soon. thanks. decaf after 4.

  2. Yup-I get it, and I am so totally digging the concept of letting it rip, my friend. Yeah!

  3. I'm sorry to see her go, but excited that she is letting you spread your wings!

    1. thanks, cb. i think it's sorta necessary for me to truly feel unfettered by my own "stuff." i love your commentary however and will miss it, so perhaps we can work something out...? i'll discuss with you privately. -,

  4. I think I know what you mean. I think that if I knew someone was going to read my writing, I'd feel required to censor it, even if it was meant to be. I'm glad you like my commentary and would love to be a sounding board, if it helps. Plus, it's nice to be able to read something that doesn't rhyme!


hi! thanks for reading! let me know what you thought!