I was recently considered by a super nice person, a fellow blogger: the incompetent hausfrau, as deserving of some recognition; she awarded me the "Liebster Blog Award"- my first blog award ever! Thank you, thank you. I'll take your questions after the presentation.
I usually dilly-dally on things like these, but I wanted to get this out the door, stat!
When I started writing publicly, back on January 2, 2011 (the hell with new year's resolutions, I'm usually fashionably late anyhow) I did so the suggestion and with the support of some pretty awesome people. Thank you, Peggie, Terri, Cheryl and Tracy.
I feel lost if I don't have a reason to do something, so I decided I would base my blog on things and stories of having a family, being from one and my thoughts on how to go about life in spite of it all.
I have a couple loyal commenters whose feedback I always appreciate, besides them: I don't really ever know if anyone actually reads it; but when I'd heard from the incompetent hausfrau that she did, it lit my heart.
I believe the objective of this award, like any award is to share a good thing when you see it*. I love good writing and up-and-comers. So, without further ado (this my be my Shortest Post Ever), it is my pleasure to award The Liebster Blog Award to:
kat hurley - this survivor has an amazing personal story and she continues to inspire others daily. she is an advocate for all human beings who actively breathe. her passion is to serve humans, but she is only human. check her out!
the loneliness of the stay-at-home-mother - she's got a nice rhythm and i dig what she's done with her Monday letters of the day. i've also seen her write about other blog posts in ways that can transform, check out: have I told you lately?
mommetime - i love her layout, her thoughts are pure and she's a fantastic photographer; she presents an amazing blend of imagery and words.
MSRP - a funny guy with a great sense of humor, no matter how skewed his political views. WOAH! did i just say that?! check him out.
The Winy Child - this guy deserves some traction! he's a 6-year-old comic book genius and he tells tales about his characters. Heck, I can't explain it any better than he, so here's his shtick: "This is a really funny comic. Here are the names of the characters and some facts about them. Pepper is really funny. He's the dog in The Winy Child. Soks is the cat. The Winy Child is in The Winy Child. Dexy and Gorel are the parents."
*How the Liebster Blog Award works:
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
3. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 lesser-known blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and give a little blurb about why you chose each blog.
5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.
. . .
Thank you.
Wow... thank you for the award and I am touched by your very kind and generous words!!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! you've totally rocked my socks this morning!
Psst...Wow thank you for thinking of me :)
Amy! You are quite welcome. I too was blown away when I received the award. It's a nice "blown away" feeling; enjoy it, you deserve it. :) -Molly
Deleteyes, it is a nice "blown away"... thanks again, Amy
DeleteThank you so much. Rhythm plays a big part in my life (unbeknownst to many) so it's very cool that you like it. :-)